Elixir Polyweb Acoustic (11-52) 11025 民謠 木吉他弦

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Elixir Polyweb Acoustic (11-52) 11025 民謠 木吉他弦



  • 專利表層披覆隔絕潮濕與強化剛性

  • ,防污、防銹延長3至5倍的壽命

  • 內容簡介

    Elixir Polyweb Acoustic (11-52) 11025 民謠 木吉他弦

    產品特點: 頂級專利表層披覆電吉他弦,多種弦徑
    產品介紹: 專利表層披覆隔絕潮濕與強化剛性,防污、防銹延長3至5倍的壽命,有2種不同厚度的披覆產品..

    1.POLYWEB 原創披覆系列 均衡的音色與滑順的回應、觸感滑順舒適、降低手指摩擦音!

    2.NANOWEB 超薄披覆系列 明亮的音色與 PUNCH 感 ,就像未經披覆的自然感觸!

    Gauges 11-15-22-32-42-52.

    Elixirs are the first major innovation in strings in over forty years and they deliver what they promise: great tone and long life no matter what you put them on or how often you play.

    Elixir Polyweb Acoustic Guitar Strings are covered with an ultrathin, space-age polymer tube that contacts the string on the tops of the windings only. This leaves the all-important winding-to-winding-to-core space free from the fear of the enemies of tone!

    Most players report that Elixir Strings keep sounding great 3 to 5 times longer than ordinary strings.


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